Minister of Finance Dr. Heiko Geue

Minister of Finance Dr. Heiko GeueShow details
Minister of Finance Dr. Heiko Geue

Minister of Finance Dr. Heiko Geue

Minister of Finance Dr. Heiko Geue

Personal details

1965: Born in Ettlingen (Baden-Württemberg)

1986: Qualification for university entrance, subsequently military service

1987-1992: Degree in Economics and Political Science at the University of Marburg (Qualification: graduate economist)

1996: Doctorate

1997-1999: Employed by the Chamber of Commerce in Hamburg

1999-2000: Consultant in the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

2000-2002: Speech-writer for the Federal chancellor Gerhard Schröder, subsequently personal consultant of the Head of the Federal Chancellery, Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier

2002-2005: Head of the political planning department

2005-2009: Head of the executive staff in the Federal Ministry of Finance. He subsequently took on special tasks in the field of management in the ministry and was then head of the subdepartment for investment privatisation policy.

2011-2012: Secretary of State in the Ministry of Finance in Sachsen-Anhalt

2014-2019: Head of the central department in the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

2019: Head of the democracy and commitment department

April/Mai 2019: Secretary of State in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s finance ministry, subsequently head of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s State Chancellery

Since 15th November 2021:  Finance Minister of the Federal State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern