Ministry of the Interior, Building and Digitalisation

The Ministry of the Interior, Building and Digitalisation Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
© C. Kettler
The Ministry of the Interior, Building and Digitalisation Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
© C. Kettler
Digitalisation of the administration, digital infrastructure and geoinformation
The Internet and digitalisation increasingly penetrate all areas of life and are becoming a normal part of the economy and society. The Ministry is specifically working on strategies on the effects of digitalisation on our Federal State, its economy and our social relations and co-ordinating its implementation. Two important core areas are the state-wide development of the broadband and mobile phone networks.
The State’s e-government strategy is also being developed. This involves the electronic handling of public administration and governmental business processes which makes an important contribution to the modernisation of the administration.
The department also ensures legal certainty in matters concerning property or with gambling or when it is a matter of lawfully holding elections. The department takes care of statistical data from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, registry offices and population registers as well as surveying and information technology.
Department 3 - Municipal affairs, aliens law
Municipalities are administrative districts, independent and large district towns, authorities and local authorities. Department 3 is the State’s supreme legal supervisory authority for them all. It advises and monitors whether the municipalities are acting lawfully on the basis of the municipal constitution. It also acts as judicial supervision in budgetary matters, including for municipal organisations such as public services, theatres or housing associations. It also awards name extensions and looks after town twinning. Supporting municipal investments is just as important a point as municipal financial equalisation.
The department increasingly takes on tasks involving aliens law.
Department 4 - Police, fire brigade and civil protection
The department has legal and technical oversight over the State police and its subordinate authorities. It is responsible for the organisation, staffing and technical equipment of the police authorities and also their co-operation. It is responsible for new laws and ordinances and fundamental specification for road safety work, prevention and crime-fighting. The department is the supreme supervisory authority over weapons, administrative and regulatory authorities and also for civil protection matters. It is also the supreme legal supervisory authority for fire protection.
On the other hand, the department is responsible for the fundamental concerns of fire brigades in municipalities and civil protection for the State. The responsible unit settles fundamental questions and works closely on these with the administrative districts. Fire and civil protection unit managers undergo initial and advanced training at the State School for Fire and Civil Protection (LSBK) in Malchow. Legal and technical oversight over the LSBK, the supervision of munition recovery and fire and civil protection at the subordinate State authority rests with Department 4.
Department 5 - Protection of the constitution
Department 5 is the constitution protection authority for M-V. As an “early warning system” with regard to political developments which could endanger our free democratic basic order, the constitution protection authority collects information in line with legal prescriptions and alarms the responsible bodies such as the police or the public prosecutor in case of doubt. The constitution protection authority also informs the public about current dangers for our democracy with brochures and the annual constitution protection report.
Department 6 - Construction
The Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State government subsidises social housing, home modernisation and the regeneration of cities and municipalities and guarantees safe building. The aim is socially, economically and ecologically balanced municipal and spatial planning and municipal regeneration policy in equal measure in both town and country.
As the supreme State authority according to the Town and Country Planning Code, the construction department at the Ministry of the Interior, Building and Digitalisation exercises supervisory control of the lower building supervisory authorities and housing benefit authorities in M-V, sees through legislative projects und processes submissions and petitions. The department is the contact for municipalities, administrative districts, M-V’s Chamber of Architects, M-V’S Chamber of Engineers and their pension funds, further institutions and also for citizens.