Family and education
We are a child- and family-friendly state
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is striving to become Germany’s most child- and family-friendly state. It already offers an attractive range of day nurseries, preschools and after-school childcare services. Overall, 95 per cent of children between the ages of three and six attend a daycare facility for preschoolers, and about half (56 per cent) of all children under the age of three experience early-years education and care at a nursery or a childminder.
Since the beginning of the year 2020 these offers have been free of charge for parents.

Pupils writing a test at school
© Fotowerk - fotolia
Pupils writing a test at school
© Fotowerk - fotolia
After preschool, children enter a four-year primary school, followed by the “orientation stage” for years 5 and 6, which is offered at regional and comprehensive schools, as well as secondary schools with an emphasis on sports or music. By extending the period during which all children are taught together, schools are better able to recognise the children’s different abilities and offer more targeted support.
The secondary school system is divided into various educational paths. At regional schools children are prepared for subsequent vocational education. They can graduate after year 9 by obtaining the first general education qualification (Berufsreife) or after year 10 with the intermediate school-leaving certificate (Mittlere Reife). The Gymnasien provide intensified general education and conclude after year 12 with the Abitur (university entrance qualification).
Rostock and Greifswald are home to the two oldest universities in the Baltic region. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s higher education landscape also includes the University of Applied Sciences, Technology, Business and Design Wismar, the University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg , the University of Applied Sciences Stralsund, the Rostock University of Music and Theatre and the University of Applied Sciences of Public Administration, Police and Administration of Justice in Güstrow.
“Sea your future” is the slogan used by Mecklenburg-Vorpommern for recruiting students: There are many good reasons for studying in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. These include the excellent mentoring programmes, state-of-the-art facilities, certified family-friendly universities and unique degree courses in environmental sciences, biology, medicine, music and high-tech fields. Students also appreciate the wide range of recreational activities in the region.